Puppet Server release notes

Puppet Server 8.3.0

Released November 2023 and shipped with Puppet 8.3.1.

No release notes.

Puppet Server 8.2.1

Released August 2023 and shipped independently.

ca's reverse proxy service fails to proxy new renewal endpoints. Puppet Server now supports the use of x-client-cert headers when the requesting server is also in the infrastructure inventory list. This allows agent requests to be proxied through the Puppet Enterprise CA. PE-36761

Puppet Server 8.2.0

Released August 2023 and shipped with Puppet 8.2.0.

Operating Systems support. Added support for RHEL 9 and Ubuntu 22.04.

Puppet Server 8.1.0

Released June 2023 and shipped with Puppet 8.1.0.

No release notes.

Puppet Server 8.0.0

Released April 2023 and shipped with Puppet 8.0.0.


Upgrade JRuby to 9.4. Puppet Server vendors JRuby 9.4, which implements most of the Ruby 3.1 interface. We recommend extension authors avoid Ruby language features added in 3.1 and later, as well as avoiding any deprecated Ruby language features removed in Ruby 3.0, 3.1, or 3.2. SERVER-3167

Deprecations and removals

Deprecate Java 8 for Puppet Server in Platform 7. Puppet Server and PuppetDB no longer support Java 8, as mentioned in https://groups.google.com/g/puppet-dev/c/yg0YjNwhnTg/m/URqRFzanAgAJ. Java 17 is the preferred version to run Puppet Server and PuppetDB. Puppet Server will support Java 11 for as long as supported Operating Systems only have Java 11 available. SERVER-2782