Configure Security Compliance Management

Use the Security Compliance Management installer powered by Puppet Bolt to configure Security Compliance Management settings.

  1. Configure Security Compliance Management on the target host using the command: bolt plan run complyadm::configure
  2. Set the data retention period.
  3. Set the fact update check interval.
  4. Set the assessor update check interval.
  5. Set the mTLS certification if you want to use your own mTLS certificate. You can choose to use the automatically generated certificate.
  6. Set the TLS certificate chain, private key, and certificate revocation list (CRL) if you want to use your own TLS certificate. You can choose to use the automatically generated self-signed certificate.
  7. Set the assessor version.
  8. Set the log level.
When the installer completes, Security Compliance Management is configured according to your inputs.