Windows Patching: How to Use Puppet + WSUS to Automate Patch Management
Puppet's automated patch management tools make Windows patching simpler and more efficient. By automating the Windows patching process, your organization can save time and resources while ensuring your systems remain secure and up-to-date.
Read on for an example of the functional steps involved in an automated Windows patching process with Puppet.
Can Puppet Do Patch Management?
Puppet Enterprise offers an automated patch management solution that eliminates the need for manual, error-prone processes.
Something I get asked frequently is: "Can Puppet do patch management?"
And my response to that is: "Absolutely! But, what does patch management look like to you?"
Puppet does not prescribe one specific, absolute way that you should do patch management. Instead, Puppet helps you to orchestrate the patch management process in a way that works for your organization. This means it will probably be slightly different across different users and companies.
That's both great and not so great. Because if you're like me, you're probably not thrilled about the idea of a you-can-do-anything-you-set-your-mind-to blank canvas. I would rather see a real example of what you can do first and then modify that to fit my specific needs.
As an example of automating the Windows patching process using tools from Puppet, I thought I'd share the automated patch management process for Windows that I've built for my own environment.
Back to topWhat is Windows Server Update Services (WSUS)?
Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) is a free software application provided by Microsoft Windows that releases software updates and patches for Windows systems.
Why not just use Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) for patch management?
Like most patch management solutions for Windows, the solution described below leverages WSUS to better control which updates are detected as necessary on systems. Compared to simply scanning against the public Windows Update site, WSUS controls the scans for products, languages, and categories of updates.
But when it comes to enforcing updates, WSUS is similar to Active Directory GPO in that it only provides a ‘spray gun' method to enforcement. You simply approve updates centrally on the WSUS server, and then wait (or hope) that systems will autonomously download the updates, install them at the correct times, and reboot afterwards. There is no evidence of which updates were installed or when reboots happened. You only notice that the pie chart in the WSUS console looks different than before.
With Puppet, we have more control over both enforcement and reporting Windows patches, and thus we can build a better solution on top of WSUS.
Back to top▶️ Related: How Puppet Supports DevOps Workflows in the Windows Ecosystem
Watch: A Guide to Puppet Windows Patching
Back to topClick the image below to watch a free instructional webinar on Windows patching and patch compliance reporting with Puppet automation, or click the button below to bookmark the video to watch later.
How to Automate Windows Patching with Puppet
Great, now let's dive a little deeper into each step and see how we can automate that step with Puppet.
Step 1: Figure Out Which Patches Are Needed
Obviously, it all starts with knowing what patches our systems need.
Some modules on the Puppet Forge provide the capability to scan servers for updates, and report the information back in the form of a structured fact. Structure is useful, as it makes further automation possible with the fact as the source.
I originally started out with the jpi-updatereporting_win module from Joey Piccola, which provides a fact that includes a very useful missing_update_kbs
section that lists all the needed KB-updates in a neat array. There were one or two small issues with the module, for which I've posted a PR, but at the time of writing it hasn't yet been merged into a new version.
A colleague pointed out that there has been a broader effort underway to provide patch management capabilities for all operating systems (not just Windows) in the os_patching module by Tony Green. Since then, we have collaborated on a module update to provide that same missing_update_kbs
section in his fact, which was recently published to the Forge. A nice benefit of the os_patching module is that it also includes the os_patching::patch_server task, which can be used to manually install the updates that are reported as needed. I personally use this task on Linux. For Windows, I wanted to go a step further and fully automate the process and see the patches as native-managed resources in Puppet.
To enable the reporting, we simply need to install the module and add 1 line to our Puppet code:
include os_patching
Let's build this into some Puppet code, so that we can classify it to our nodes later:
class profile::patch_mgmt_win (
) {
include os_patching
If you run that code against a node, you'll see a new os_patching
fact reported. Here's an example:
"blackouts" : { },
"block_patching_on_warnings" : "false",
"blocked" : false,
"blocked_reasons" : [ ],
"last_run" : { },
"missing_update_kbs" : [ "KB4512495" ],
"package_update_count" : 1,
"package_updates" : [ "2019-08 Cumulative Update for Windows Server 2016 for x64-based Systems (KB4512495)" ],
"patch_window" : "friday_night",
"pinned_packages" : [ ],
"reboot_override" : "default",
"reboots" : {
"reboot_required" : false
"security_package_update_count" : 0,
"security_package_updates" : [ ],
"warnings" : { }
We can see some valuable things here:
- The
section provides a description of the patches that are needed. On linux, this lists all the packages in need of an update. - The
section lists just the KB numbers, making it easy to use that array for patching later - The
section allows us to set an arbitrary value, which we can use to place nodes into actual patch/maintenance windows later (see step 3) - The
section provides information on whether or not our Windows nodes are in need of a reboot. We can use this later to automatically reboot nodes when necessary.
Psst... Puppet plans come with support for stuff like this.
Step 2: Have a Way To Control Which Patches Are Installed
Now that we have a way to report needed patches, we need a way to control which of those patches we actually approve of. This is often a layered approach, as there are multiple places where you could assert such controls.
Whenever you need a layered approach, Hiera is essential. Hiera is a powerful way to store parameter data outside of your puppet code. Hiera enables storing parameter data in a hierarchical structure to minimize code duplication. That way, your Puppet code contains the logic, while your Hiera data contains the parameter values for all specific scenarios.
In my setup, I have 3 defined layers:
- Classification in WSUS, combined with an automatic approval group
- A patch blacklist in Hiera
- A patch whitelist in Hiera
Starting with WSUS: as explained above, I use this to have better control over which updates are reported as needed by systems, and whether or not that update can then be retrieved for installation. In my case, I wanted all needed patches in specific categories to get automatically approved for installation. First, I used the wsusserver module from the Forge to automatically setup and configure the WSUS server itself:
class profile::wsus {
class { 'wsusserver':
package_ensure => 'present',
include_management_console => true,
service_manage => true,
service_ensure => 'running',
service_enable => true,
wsus_directory => 'C:\\WSUS',
join_improvement_program => false,
sync_from_microsoft_update => true,
update_languages => ['en'],
products => [
'Windows Server 2012 R2',
'Windows Server 2016'
product_families => [
update_classifications => [
'Update Rollups',
'Security Updates',
'Critical Updates',
'Service Packs',
targeting_mode => 'Client',
host_binaries_on_microsoft_update => true,
synchronize_automatically => true,
synchronize_time_of_day => '03:00:00', # 3AM ( UTC ) 24H Clock
number_of_synchronizations_per_day => 1,
wsusserver_computer_target_group { 'AutoApproval':
ensure => 'present',
wsusserver::approvalrule { 'Automatic Approval for all Updates Rule':
ensure => 'present',
enabled => true,
classifications => [
'Update Rollups',
'Security Updates',
'Critical Updates',
products => [
'Windows Server 2012 R2',
'Windows Server 2016'
computer_groups => ['AutoApproval'],
# Set 'restart_private_memory_limit' on the IIS WsusPool to largest value for stability
iis_application_pool { 'WsusPool':
ensure => 'present',
state => 'started',
managed_pipeline_mode => 'Integrated',
managed_runtime_version => 'v4.0',
enable32_bit_app_on_win64 => false,
restart_private_memory_limit => 4294967,
restart_schedule => ['07:00:00', '15:00:00', '23:00:00']
This ensures WSUS is configured with the right products, classifications and an automatic approval group called 'AutoApproval'. All I need now is to configure the managed nodes to use this WSUS server and configure themselves to use the AutoApproval group. We can do that by adding the wsus_client module and defining its class in our profile::patch_mgmt_win
class profile::patch_mgmt_win (
) {
include os_patching
class { 'wsus_client':
server_url => 'http://wsus.example.com:8530',
target_group => 'AutoApproval',
enable_status_server => true,
auto_install_minor_updates => false,
auto_update_option => 'NotifyOnly',
detection_frequency_hours => 22,
Next, I wanted control over the reported set of needed updates, and be able to selectively blacklist or whitelist updates for specific groups of nodes. This allows me to have WSUS auto-approve all updates, but then have specific updates be prevented from being installed via Puppet if I deemed it necessary.
📒 Related:Why patching is important when managing infrastructure at scale
Getting the list of reported updates from the os_patching
fact is straight forward:
if $facts['os_patching'] {
$updatescan = $facts['os_patching']['missing_update_kbs']
else {
$updatescan = []
Now to filter out updates through a whitelist or blacklist, we can use a fairly simple evaluation like this:
if $whitelist.count > 0 {
$updates = $updatescan.filter |$item| { $item in $whitelist }
} elsif $blacklist.count > 0 {
$updates = $updatescan.filter |$item| { !($item in $blacklist) }
} else {
$updates = $updatescan
This ensures that:
- ..if a whitelist is defined at all for this node, we immediately filter the available updates to those that are on the whitelist.
- ...if a whitelist is not defined, but a blacklist is defined, we filter the available updates to those that are not on the blacklist
After this, we have an $updates
variable containing an array of updates, upon which we can iterate later for automated installation.
Let's add this logic to our code, with the $whitelist
and $blacklist
variables defined as optional parameters to the profile::patch_mgmt_win
class, so that we can set the values for those parameters via Hiera when needed:
class profile::patch_mgmt_win (
Array $blacklist = [],
Array $whitelist = [],
) {
include os_patching
class { 'wsus_client':
server_url => 'http://wsus.example.com:8530',
target_group => 'AutoApproval',
enable_status_server => true,
auto_install_minor_updates => false,
auto_update_option => 'NotifyOnly',
detection_frequency_hours => 22
if $facts['os_patching'] {
$updatescan = $facts['os_patching']['missing_update_kbs']
else {
$updatescan = []
if $whitelist.count > 0 {
$updates = $updatescan.filter |$item| { $item in $whitelist }
} elsif $blacklist.count > 0 {
$updates = $updatescan.filter |$item| { !($item in $blacklist) }
} else {
$updates = $updatescan
# Now we can process each update with something like this
# $updates.each | $kb | {
# < some code to install a $kb >
# }
To optionally define for example a blacklist, you simple create a profile::patch_mgmt_win::blacklist
value in Hiera for any node(s) that need it. Here's what I'm using today:
- KB2881685
- KB4103723
Step 3: Limit the Time of Installation To a Specific Patch Window
Now that we have our list of patches to be installed, we want to make sure they only get installed during a patching maintenance window. For this I've opted to use the builtin schedule
resource, which allows you to ensure that specific resources can only be enforced within a specific window. Outside of the window, the resource gets reported as "skipped". That's also useful, because it tells us what will happen later to that node (when it reaches its window).
Here's an example of a schedule
defining a patch window:
schedule { 'patch_window':
range => '01:00 - 04:00',
weekday => 'Sunday',
repeat => 3
This creates a schedule resource named 'patch_window', that we can tie to other resources by adding schedule => 'patch_window'
to their resource declaration. Once added, that resource will only be allowed to be enforced on Sundays between 1AM and 4AM.
One caveat here is that I’m using Puppet’s generic scheduling feature here, which only controls during what time resources can start to be enforced. So in the case above, if a Puppet run starts just before 4AM, it will be able to start the installation of an update up to 3:59AM. The completion of the patch installation will then run, for the most part, outside of the defined patch window. As Microsoft’s monthly Cumulative Updates can take up to an hour or so to install, you many want to take this into consideration, and end the patch window defined in the Puppet schedule resource an hour earlier than the actual patch window that is agreed with the business.
You may wonder why repeating only 3 times? Well this is because, in my case, the maximum I want to happen during a patch window is this:
- On the first Puppet run: if the node was already in need of a reboot, reboot the node first
- On the second Puppet run: apply any patches needed by this node
- On the third Puppet run: reboot the node if applied patches have caused a reboot to be needed
You could also create separate schedule resources for patching vs reboots, to have even more control over what happens when. In some circumstances, for example if a patch has difficulty getting installed successfully, you may end up in the situation that the patch is finally installed on the third run and a reboot is still needed but no longer allowed to happen. Having a separate reboot window before and after the patch window would prevent this. For me though, the combined patch & reboot window is good enough at the moment. And I can always check the value of reboot_required
in the os_patching
fact to determine if there are any systems that still need a reboot.
I want the actual patch window to be different across nodes, so I'll again leverage Hiera for that. In our profile::patch_mgmt_win
we will simply expect a $patch_window
variable coming from Hiera, or define a default one (Sunday 1-4AM) for when that doesn't happen:
class profile::patch_mgmt_win (
Array $blacklist = [],
Array $whitelist = [],
Optional[Hash] $patch_window = {
range => '01:00 - 04:00',
weekday => 'Sunday',
repeat => 3
) {
include os_patching
class { 'wsus_client':
server_url => 'http://wsus.example.com:8530',
target_group => 'AutoApproval',
enable_status_server => true,
auto_install_minor_updates => false,
auto_update_option => 'NotifyOnly',
detection_frequency_hours => 22
if $facts['os_patching'] {
$updatescan = $facts['os_patching']['missing_update_kbs']
else {
$updatescan = []
if $whitelist.count > 0 {
$updates = $updatescan.filter |$item| { $item in $whitelist }
} elsif $blacklist.count > 0 {
$updates = $updatescan.filter |$item| { !($item in $blacklist) }
} else {
$updates = $updatescan
schedule { 'patch_window':
* => $patch_window
# Now we can process each update with something like this
# $updates.each | $kb | {
# < some code to install a $kb >
# }
In Hiera, we need a profile::patch_mgmt_win::patch_window
variable defined for each node, for example:
range: '01:00 - 04:00'
weekday: 'Saturday'
repeat: 3
To easily control this with a single variable, I've added this extra layer to my Hiera hierarchy:
- "maintenance/%{os_patching.patch_window}/common.yaml"
...and created several different variants of the profile::patch_mgmt_win::patch_window
variable in each common.yaml
file under patch window directories below a maintenance
directory in Hiera:
common.yaml # sets `profile::patch_mgmt_win::patch_window` to Sunday 1-4AM
common.yaml # sets `profile::patch_mgmt_win::patch_window` to Saturday 1-4AM
common.yaml # sets `profile::patch_mgmt_win::patch_window` to Friday 1-4AM
All we need to do now is to make sure the patch_window
section in the os_patching
fact contains the value for the patch window that the node should be in. The most flexible way to do this is by setting the os_patching::patch_window
variable for each node through Hiera, for example:
os_patching::patch_window: saturday_night
Alternatively this could also be set via the node classifier in Puppet Enterprise, which may give you easier ways of grouping nodes together and then setting the patch window parameter that way.
Step 4: Automatically Reboot Nodes When Necessary
To achieve this, we will enforce a reboot
resource (from the reboot module) whenever the reboot_required
value in the os_patching
fact is true
. The code looks like this:
if $facts['os_patching']['reboots']['reboot_required'] == true {
notify { 'Reboot pending, rebooting node...':
schedule => 'patch_window',
notify => Reboot['patch_window_reboot']
reboot { 'patch_window_reboot':
apply => 'finished',
schedule => 'patch_window'
adding that to our profile::patch_mgmt_win
class, we get:
class profile::patch_mgmt_win (
Array $blacklist = [],
Array $whitelist = [],
Optional[Hash] $patch_window = {
range => '01:00 - 04:00',
weekday => 'Sunday',
repeat => 3
) {
include os_patching
class { 'wsus_client':
server_url => 'http://wsus.example.com:8530',
target_group => 'AutoApproval',
enable_status_server => true,
auto_install_minor_updates => false,
auto_update_option => 'NotifyOnly',
detection_frequency_hours => 22
if $facts['os_patching'] {
$updatescan = $facts['os_patching']['missing_update_kbs']
else {
$updatescan = []
if $whitelist.count > 0 {
$updates = $updatescan.filter |$item| { $item in $whitelist }
} elsif $blacklist.count > 0 {
$updates = $updatescan.filter |$item| { !($item in $blacklist) }
} else {
$updates = $updatescan
schedule { 'patch_window':
* => $patch_window
if $facts['os_patching']['reboots']['reboot_required'] == true {
notify { 'Reboot pending, rebooting node...':
schedule => 'patch_window',
notify => Reboot['patch_window_reboot']
reboot { 'patch_window_reboot':
apply => 'finished',
schedule => 'patch_window'
# Now we can process each update with something like this
# $updates.each | $kb | {
# < some code to install a $kb >
# }
Step 5: Have Clear Records of Which Patches Were Installed and When
Finally, let’s create the code to actually install the updates so that we also create a record (of enforced Puppet resources) to show which patches were installed and when this happened.
I've been collaborating with Alexander Tsirel on his windows_updates module, for which the new version is now also available on the Forge (link in notes below). This module makes it a breeze to install Windows KB patches using Puppet code. It's as simple as:
windows_updates::kb { 'KB12345':
ensure => 'present',
maintwindow => 'patch_window'
Let's integrate that into our profile::patch_mgmt_win
class to get the final solution:
class profile::patch_mgmt_win (
Array $blacklist = [],
Array $whitelist = [],
Optional[Hash] $patch_window = {
range => '01:00 - 04:00',
weekday => 'Sunday',
repeat => 3
) {
include os_patching
class { 'wsus_client':
server_url => 'http://wsus.example.com:8530',
target_group => 'AutoApproval',
enable_status_server => true,
auto_install_minor_updates => false,
auto_update_option => 'NotifyOnly',
detection_frequency_hours => 22
if $facts['os_patching'] {
$updatescan = $facts['os_patching']['missing_update_kbs']
else {
$updatescan = []
if $whitelist.count > 0 {
$updates = $updatescan.filter |$item| { $item in $whitelist }
} elsif $blacklist.count > 0 {
$updates = $updatescan.filter |$item| { !($item in $blacklist) }
} else {
$updates = $updatescan
schedule { 'patch_window':
* => $patch_window
if $facts['os_patching']['reboots']['reboot_required'] == true {
Windows_updates::Kb {
require => Reboot['patch_window_reboot']
notify { 'Reboot pending, rebooting node...':
schedule => 'patch_window',
notify => Reboot['patch_window_reboot']
reboot { 'patch_window_reboot':
apply => 'finished',
schedule => 'patch_window'
$updates.each | $kb | {
windows_updates::kb { $kb:
ensure => 'present',
maintwindow => 'patch_window'
I’ve uploaded the above code to a Github Gist.
Here’s how the new code was integrated into the class:
In the section if $facts['os_patching']['reboots']['reboot_required'] == true
I added:
Windows_updates::Kb {
require => Reboot['patch_window_reboot']
...which will make the Reboot['patch_window_reboot']
resource a requirement on all windows_updates::kb
resources. This ensures that if a reboot is already pending, the reboot will happen before any updates are installed.
At the very end of the class, I created an iteration loop:
$updates.each | $kb | {
windows_updates::kb { $kb:
ensure => 'present',
maintwindow => 'patch_window'
This creates a windows_updates::kb
resource for each patch that is in the $updates
array, and ties it to our desired patch window.
The windows_updates
module will suppress reboots while installing patches, so another Puppet run is needed afterwards to detect that a reboot is needed (detected by the os_patching
fact) and then automatically reboot the node.
With this solution in place, I've not put any more effort into updating my Windows servers — it now all just happens automatically!
Back to topWhy Automation is Key to Windows Patching
Windows patch management is essential for fixing vulnerabilities and running Windows systems smoothly. By automating the patching process, software updates are automatically downloaded and installed, allowing IT teams to save time, ensure compliance, and minimize security risks.
Using Puppet tools for Windows patch management is a no-brainer. Get started with a free trial today!
Learn More
- Get answers to FAQs about Puppet on Windows
- Get started with automating Azure on Puppet
- How to install Hyper-V on Windows and configure with Puppet
- Watch the webinar on why you should stop putting off patching
- How to solve critical Windows services restart
- Discover how to automate your Microsoft Windows environments with Puppet
UPDATE: Since the writing of this blog post, Kevin has published the patching_as_code module on the Puppet Forge, which contains an evolution of the approach described below while being much easier to adopt and implement. If you’d like to implement automated patching through Puppet code, please take a look at this module!
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